June 5 Weekly Update

Leffler Family Farms’ Weekly Update, 6/5
 Local Motion CSA News…
The Ever Evolving Share
CSA shares fluctuate in size and content over the season… more than just a little!  While every year is different, seeing what shares looked like in the past will give you a pretty good idea of how things will progress this year as well.  As we all know, if has been an exceptionally late Spring with record breaking lows.  At this point, the field is 3-4 weeks behind what we are used to seeing.  This, however, is the time of year growth happens fast, and the gap will likely close some.  The following examples are what was actually in shares on 6/9 and 7/5 in 2011.  Since we were demolished with flooding and golf ball size hail 6/8 of 2012, and shares were suspended completely for two weeks mid-June, I figure (hope!) 2011 will serve as a better example of how things will move forward this year.
This Week’s Share 6/9/2011
loose-leaf lettuce, baby loose-leaf lettuce, mesclun mix, green garlic, Scotch Blue Kale, White Russian Kale, cilantro and chives.
And one month later…
This Week’s Share 7/5/2011
loose-leaf lettuce, garlic scapes, garlic, Scotch Blue Kale, White Russian Kale, carrots, rainbow beets, Romaine Lettuce, spinach, Swiss Chard, mustard, turnips, sugar snap peas.
August and September include most people’s favorite goodies like tomatoes, sweet corn green beans and okra.  And October brings fresh dry beans and winter squash.
Season extension is something we are always striving to achieve and become better at.  By using greenhouses, un-heated hoop-houses, row cover, frost blanket and cellaring we are able to get you produce sooner and for longer, and that’s good news for all of us!  The addition of two greenhouse this year will be a big step, and will hopefully be in place in time for this fall.
Colorado Aquaponics
In an effort to provide more consistency in wake of the late Spring, we have taken the opportunity to partner with Denver’s Colorado Aquaponics, and were able to supplement shares this week with Petit Butturcrunch Lettuce and a braising greens bunch.  While what Mother Nature sends our way, and how that effects what is available, is an intrinsic part of the CSA model, we also feel it is important that members receive the fresh, local produce they are expecting and partnering with other great local farms is one way we are able to do this despite the un-cooperative spring weather.  You will always be notified when receiving something from “sister farms” and the great majority (some years all) of the produce you will receive is expected to come from LFF.
All Regular Season Shares started/will start this week.  Everyone should receive a “starter pack” binder with tips, guidelines and recipes.  Please let me know if you did not get your starter pack, so we can send it next week.
Questions, comments, concerns?
We would love to hear from you!
Around the Farm

And the planting continues…….
This past week we have continued to transplant tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, rhubarb and more flowers.  We also have been seeding sweet corn, pumpkins, gourds, winter squash, cucumbers, melons, watermelon and have gotten in the 2nd and 3rd rounds of several varieties of green beans, favas, edamame, okra, spinach, carrots, radish, lettuces, and chard.  Irrigating has been nonstop this past week, we are finally seeing some really nice germination with our ditch water in, especially the carrots!  They will be a little late this year but well worth the wait.
Last week’s farm pictures:

Pumping water from the farm’s natural well to irrigate the field.
Peas reach for support.
irrigating – glads, beans, tomatoes
Checking the progress…
Nicely watered in!
Have a great rest of the week!
Anthony and Sarah
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